One of the best ways to stay motivated is to be organized

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One of the best ways to stay motivated is to be organized.


One of the best ways to write is to use a blog.

There are plenty of inexpensive website domain name hosting companies that cost $20 or less each year.

I use GoDaddy for the domain name and for the blogging platform.

GoDaddy has any easy way to add WordPress directly to your domain name with just a couple clicks.

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He said he loves to write, and was asked this telling question

The "enter" key is the most popular for this writer - publish? hit enter
The “enter” key is the most popular for this writer – publish? hit enter


He said he loves to write, and was asked this telling question from a “fellow writer”:

How often do you get to write?

Hardly ever.

The “fellow writer” just smiled and went about his business.

And felt thankful that for the past 1,500+ consecutive days he’s been able to write, except for that one day.

A freak of nature?


Life is not a dress rehearsal.

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Five Blogs In Record Time?

Parked or flying?

Big day today. Saturday. Cub Scout day trip. Was gonna be a weekend camping trip, but events changed that. In order to make even a day trip happen, I have to move fast. Never wrote five blogs as fast as I have this morning. It’ll be interesting to see tomorrow’s post/photo(s) to see how it worked out.

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