Happy Saturday To Everyone

Do you have weekends off?  I do not.  Never have.  Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I do have Saturday and Sunday off together. However, it’s nothing I can count on.  And I’m okay with that.


Because I work in Central Florida, and many people here have a job that revolves around the world-class Orlando Destinations – Disney World, Universal Studios, Sea World, Florida beaches.

In fact, our home is next door to Disney.  Our Church is next door to Universal Studios.  Sea World is not far either. Our Cub Scout Pack is currently camping at Fort Desoto Beach on Florida’s west coast.

Interesting to note though, my wife Cheryl has had weekends off her entire life.  We, like many Families, just have to figure it out.  And when we do get to have a Saturday off together, we try to balance all the stuff we need to do, with all the stuff we want to do.

The fact that it’s going to be sunny and 82 degrees today should make it easier to decide.  Carpe diem.

Lee Cockerell Creating Magic

Lee Cockerell wrote Creating Magic last year.  Lee spent a lifetime studying leadership and perfecting leadership.  He was also the Executive Vice President of Walt Disney World Operations.  Lee Cockerell knows leadership.  His book is brilliant.  But you probably won’t find it in an airport bookstore though.  I’ve been searching airport bookstores the world over.  Try Amazon, or go directly to Lee’s site.


Finally.  I’ve gotten to the fifth of five blogs this morning.  Having some challenges revving up the writing engine.

This rarely happens.  I knew it would come.  Just didn’t know when.  It took longer than expected.  Good thing, I suppose.

Big questions though:

  • “How long will it last”?
  • “When will it return”?

No worries however.  Just gonna plow through it and try not to worry about it.  It’s a natural part of the “writer’s cycle” – sort of like the seasons on Earth.  Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.

Each season has a purpose.  Each one ends and another begins.  It’s natural. It’s okay. Carpe diem everyone.

Hearing It 100 Times?

“Hearing something 100 times is not as good as seeing it once”. — Japanese proverb

“It’s not the material things in life that are important”. Most of us have heard this so many times we’ve  lost track, right?

If we know this to be true, that material things aren’t the important thing, why do we work so hard to get so much stuff?  That’s what I want to know.

I’d like to take a risk and ask you readers to leave a comment with your take on this human dilemma.  Happy Halloween.