Many learn best by going where we have to go

Eiffle tower
the hallway sign revealed the close proximity

Many learn best by going where we have to go. Yes, I had to go to Paris. You’re thinking, “Must be tough”. Right? The reality that travel is a very steady part of life requires creative ways to find the silver lining.

Insight: As mentioned yesterday, the meaning in these blogs is predominantly subtle. Surely you are struggling with insurmountable challenges too. We will either become victorious over them, or not. May you find encouragement here.

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PS. Let freedom ring!

Oh wow, you get to travel for a living?

parenting tips
they grow up fast…that’s what everyone says….he’s 11 now

Oh wow, you get to travel for a living?

The only people who love to travel are those that don’t.

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PS. Please don’t misunderstand, business folk love to travel, it’s the being gone part that takes a toll (anyone who says differently is lying).

Get Going

Goodbye Beaumont, Texas. Had a great stay. Thank you.

Post number five this morning. Most days, I don’t feel heavy pressure to write five posts before heading out the door. Traveling (sometimes) complicates exacerbates the pressure. The good news is I refuse to quit. The bad news is this means I have to deliver.

All day. Every day. The road to excellence has no finish line. But my 90-minute drive this morning does – Houston’s Hobby Airport. I’m going home to Disney World.

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Audience Is Heavenly, Traveling Is…

Sure Is Pretty Up Here In Late October (from yesterday)
Sure Is Pretty Up Here In Late October (from yesterday)

Most likely, you’ve figured out that I’m on the road again. The photos in today’s posts are a clue.

And’ I’m reminded of a line from a Dan Fogelberg song, Auld Lang Syne, “The audience is heavenly, but the traveling is hell“.

It seems so true.

Which ought to remind all of us to count our blessings. We have way more than we give ourselves credit for.

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