Steve Jobs would have turned 60 tomorrow

Graphic design 101


Graphic design 101


Graphic design 101
Use one or the other, but not both.


Steve Jobs would have turned 60 tomorrow. No man on jeff noel’s Dad’s side of the family lived past 60. As he approaches his 56 birthday, he (as we all should) is mindful of a ticking clock.

He’s not afraid of 60 as the end.

He’s actually insanely cognizant that none of us are guaranteed tomorrow.

Yet he is racing as if 60 is all he’ll get.

A deadline makes decisions more important and excuses irrelevant.

Photo: Taken from Google search.

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Lee Cockerell’s Time Management Magic book is brilliant

Lee Cockerell's Time Management Magic book
Read a few chapters  yesterday from a dock on Lake Mabel, which borders Walt Disney World.


Lee Cockerell's Time Management Magic book
Read the first two chapters yesterday from MLC HQ desk.


Lee Cockerell is a time management deity.

If Lee’s Time Management Magic book doesn’t (finally) inspire you to change, nothing will.

Read Lee Cockerell’s newest book yesterday.

There is not a more practical, more real book on the subject anywhere.

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No one wants to talk about it because it’s so painful

Two days ago was thinking about the vision for 2015.


No one wants to talk about it because it’s so painful.

There’s a time management elephant in the room.

It’s not about time management, it’s about priority management.

And people aren’t confident enough to take a stand and say, “These are my priorities, in this order”.

Manage time with a compass, not a clock. Count energy, not hours.

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The poorest of the poor

Website blog post screen shot
Excerpt from older blog post.


What is the most common excuse for avoiding something?

Time is the great equalizer in life. Everyone gets 24 hours each day. None get more, none get less.

Not enough time is a poor excuse.

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Home sweet home

Home sweet home


(photo: Spring Grove, Pennsylvania Family room.)

Ever have a moment where 50 years have gone by and it feels like the blink of an eye?

Each human being is so insignificant and the years fly by like the wind, invisible and barely noticeable most of the time.

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