Dare to think unthinkable home-sweet-home thoughts

Tree warning sign
Besides, our neighbors might be missing the obvious. Two simple words – please & thank you- at the beginning and end make a big difference.


Dare to think unthinkable home-sweet-home thoughts?

If we are really who we think we are – all high on ourselves and everything – we need to have a remarkable dwelling space.


How can we not.

Tough one to swallow, but think about it.

The change starts with us, not our neighbor’s house.

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These Next Two Weeks Will Be Self-Indulgent – To Help You Think, Smile And Be Grateful

No, it's not Air Force One, but it is 1st Class.

The Oval Office and Official White House communications. Apple’s Cupertino headquarter’s or Starbuck’s Seattle headquarters, everybody has an HQ. However, most of us never consider our lives as having an HQ. I never did. Until I became a parent.

Insight: Some insights in life come late. And they change everything for good.

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I Am Driven To Help Others Think, Smile, And Be Grateful

Driven to see the same things everyone sees, but differently.

Dear Son, I am driven to help others think, smile, and be grateful.

And I mean seriously think. Deeply think. Transformational-type thinking. And smile because you’re happy, for everything, since you’re grateful heart can not stop giving thanks.

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Mid Life Celebration Public Service Announcement

Almost ran right past this on a jog at Baylor University. Btw, this is true, even if you don't love God.

Mid Life Celebration’s jeff noel feels compelled to make periodic public service announcements. It’s time to remind everyone – the goal in all five blogs is to help you do three things:

  1. Think
  2. Smile
  3. Be Grateful

Nearly everything I write is focused on the first one. It is up to you to interpret the personal experiences, the questions, the metaphors, the analogies. It’s up to you. Period.

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