Traditions are a healthy and creative way to stay organized

Florida family enjoying backyard pool
Central Florida swim season starts on the vernal equinox


Traditions are a healthy and creative way to stay organized.

And here’s to the crazy ones, the rule breakers, the obnoxious ones.

First day of Spring is the new first-day-of-swim-season tradition.

We help you think differently by showing you how it works for us.

And we all desire the same basic things.

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Serious Endeavors

"Life's Mountain's To Climb": Alaska 2009
"Life's Mountains To Climb": Alaska 2009

This Blog about HQ (headquarters) – the paperwork of life – focuses on being decently organized, with an underlying theme of motivation, inspiration and excitement to want to be.

Both getting organized and staying organized are serious, lifelong endeavors.

Getting there can feel impossible. Staying there can be a mountain climb…

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