Now imagine if we didn’t conduct routine organization

Boat called Amazon in Miami Boat residential boat dock
Like the mighty Amazon river, life’s challenges constantly flow


You know how we sometimes get on a roll and we sort, clean, organize, and then purge or donate our stuff?

And then shortly afterwards, it feels like it never happened?

Now imagine if we didn’t routinely organize our stuff.

So much of the ‘why’ is hidden in the constant onslaught of life.

The battle is often not to get ahead, but simply not to get buried.

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We spend virtually everyday of our lives here (be smart about it)

TINY: A Story About Living Small (Teaser Trailer) from TINY on Vimeo.


There’s a theory that less is more. That more is good in some ways, and bad in others.

More often comes with benefits that less cannot provide. And yet less can provide more.

The challenge is to be aware of, and thoroughly understand the pros and cons.

But mostly we don’t.


Because we spend so much time taking care of our things that we have precious little time to think.

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Two things we can organize but rarely give a second thought

Young boy with teddy bear and suitcase at Church pew
Began writing as a way to be prepared in case something bad ever happened to me


Sent two paragraphs to Xulon Press a minute ago at their request so they can create a video trailer for the book, Mid Life Celebration: rethink • reprioritize • recommit.

Expecting the first 10 copies of the book any day now.

Three people know the book is almost in my hands: Chapin, the book designer, and me.

Challenging to keep a lid on it.

This requires significant organization. Not of files, but of patience and humility.

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