New Series Coming Here

You're A Hoser, Eh?
You're A Hoser, Eh?

Humans hate pushy people.

But we’d be lost without them, wouldn’t we?

I mean, without pushy people, what would humans talk and gossip about? And who would they blame and judge, if not for pushy people?

Pushy people, in general, are obnoxious, self-centered (it seems), and egotistical. Just to name a few.

However, there’s something special about pushy people.

And most never come to realize the gift pushy people bring to our lives.

And right now you’re probably saying, “What the heck are you talking about?”

And don’t you hate when pushy people just leave you hanging?

Got Tree?

Yes, got tree!  And a fire in the fireplace.

Yesterday.  It was cold (65 degrees).  This is cold for Central Floridians. Seriously.  And yes, Central Floridians realize that this fact is fairly obnoxious to those of you living in colder regions.

By the way, most Floridians originally are from somewhere cold.

So we know what cold really is, but we now like the way it rolls off our tongue, “Oh, it was cold yesterday.  It only got up to 65 degrees!  I had to put on socks and a jacket.”

Stay warm, and make your Monday great.  It’s up to you.  Always has been.  Always will be.  Carpe diem!

Professional Speaker

Professional Speaker.

Know what that means? Duh, right?  Public speaker who gets paid…blah, blah, blah.

It means there are people who’s job is to give speeches. Everyday.

In front of people.  Sometimes a dozen, or several dozen. Sometimes a thousand, or several thousand.

And some of them really try to be so good at what they do (same as a parent, nurse, chef, etc) that their speech may actually start to change the world.

You know how I know this?  I’m one of them.  Happy day.  Carpe diem.