Boomers, What We Did Well In The Past Doesn’t Matter Anymore

Younger will always see older as "prehistoric" relics

Sad. But true. Boomers, our past, while important to us now, is irrelevant to younger generations. They don’t remember what we did, nor can they imagine us ever being in peak form for much of anything. They certainly can’t see us as young, vibrant, creative, passionate and willing to take a stand.

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jeff noel Just Had One Of Those Midlife Musical Moments

Secret powers of any sort are generally discovered organically

Thank you John Lennon for the timely, and profound, flashback…”You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one”….

Look, jeff noel understands yesterday’s post is a pie-in-the-sky dream. Imagine middle-aged Americans being the healthiest of all age groups – the leaders in what to do and what not to do. The teachers.

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Are Baby Boomers Too Old To Lead A Nation Wide Health Revolution?

Our journey should pursue balance with Life's (5) Big Choices

One of the main, insidious reasons our nation is in an obesity epidemic is because when young look at old, they see what they think is an inevitable jail sentence.

What if the nationwide health landscape for older Americans, especially Baby Boomers, looked vibrant, happy, healthy, active and alive?

PS. This is Mid Life Celebration’s 5,000th blog post. Wanted to commemorate this prolific blogging milestone on 11.11.11

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The Past Few jeff noel Blog Posts Showcased What A Post Looks Like Without Using Keywords Purposefully

Details with purpose: Icons, used repetitiously, help shape a culture.

Midlife Celebration’s jeff noel purposefully used “I” in place of jeff noel. Using “I” looks less arrogant but completely fails in SEO keyword optimization.

Using Mid Life Celebration and jeff noel optimizes keyword utilization, but readers can tire from it. Seth Godin no longer needs to write his posts like noel is doing. Someday, noel won’t need to either. Bold? Uh huh. Why not? Go.

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