Finally realized why it’s tough to commit sometimes

Business meeting outside a Publix
This breakfast meeting two days ago lasted three hours, because neither was over-scheduled.


A friend is bringing his lovely family from Ohio to Walt Disney World in two weeks. And it is in our trying to schedule time together that a blind spot was revealed just a few minutes ago while waiting for the microwave to finish heating a cup of water.

He’s here for one week. i’m out of town for three days, leaving us four days, including two weekend days, which i try to keep for Family. When you are out of town, your schedule is busier for a few days after you return, simply because you were out of town. You miss three days of normal daily chores. So you add those in upon your return and they appear on days where they normally don’t – so several normal busy days become busier busy days.

i’d like to play it by ear. He’d like to know in advance.

With his visit, time is exceptionally precious because he’s at WDW attempting to make the most of every minute.

On the other hand, i’m at WDW (home) too, but i’m trying to not over schedule my days because too many unexpected things happen. Having white space allows for them.

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Lee Cockerell’s Time Management Magic book is brilliant

Lee Cockerell's Time Management Magic book
Read a few chapters  yesterday from a dock on Lake Mabel, which borders Walt Disney World.


Lee Cockerell's Time Management Magic book
Read the first two chapters yesterday from MLC HQ desk.


Lee Cockerell is a time management deity.

If Lee’s Time Management Magic book doesn’t (finally) inspire you to change, nothing will.

Read Lee Cockerell’s newest book yesterday.

There is not a more practical, more real book on the subject anywhere.

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No one wants to talk about it because it’s so painful

Two days ago was thinking about the vision for 2015.


No one wants to talk about it because it’s so painful.

There’s a time management elephant in the room.

It’s not about time management, it’s about priority management.

And people aren’t confident enough to take a stand and say, “These are my priorities, in this order”.

Manage time with a compass, not a clock. Count energy, not hours.

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Lee Cockerell is the most organized person you will ever meet

Classic book on speaking


(photo: Lee Cockerell’s library is extraordinary, comprehensive, and well organized)

Who’s the most organized person you know?

Lee Cockerell is the most organized person you will ever meet.

Go to Amazon, type Lee Cockerell, consider buying and reading every book he’s written.

From personal experience, it will make you a better, more effective, and more organized person.

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