The World In 2011, Well At Least The First 5 Months

What metrics do we use to gauge our personal success? Not the world’s metrics, nor the media’s metrics, but our own metrics.

When I didn’t have 5 fundamental themes, life’s goals were fuzzy. Targets that aren’t clear don’t motivate. Period.

I am so motivated for 2011 and wish you peace and contentment as you live out the remainder of 2011.

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In Trying To Be A Beacon For A Young Boy, A Nervous Father Carved Out Something More

In trying to be a beacon for a young boy, a nervous father carved out something more.

Life’s “directional code” is made up of five big choices.

Thank you again for following these five Mid Life Celebration, LLC blogs. Here’s to the best Summer of our entire lives, no matter the obstacles. Okay?

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Like Earth’s seasons, you’ll have seasons too. Look ahead and don’t let a new job, a big move, or eminent economic events catch you unprepared.

What will constantly challenge you unprepared are sudden unexpected parts of life that will blind-side you. Having effective (being organized) structure and processes in your life will soften the blow.

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Lists Tips Hints Tactics Files Habits

Develop effective systems and processes for storing data…

History has a way of repeating itself. We have two choices as I see it. Much of what we do is learned behavior, with the lion’s share from childhood.

Being organized is hard because life is hard. We choose, intentionally or not, to be organized or disorganized. April at jeff is reserved for lists, tips, hints, files, and habits for being organized.

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CEO @ Mid Life Celebration

As founder and ceo of Mid Life Celebration, just want you to know your visits here and to the other four Blog Whisperer daily blogs, is what some would call a blessing.

jeff noel calls it an idea who’s time has come.

Balancing Life’s Big Choices is my passion. So is encouraging you do the same.

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