Is Sunday a Day of Rest?

Is Sunday a day of rest?

Hardly feels like that in my household.

My goal in life is to become the kind of person my dog thinks I am.   My other goal in life is to be bored.

They both seem impossible.

Anyway, here’s a link to how last night’s trip to the Orlando Science Center went.  Just click here on

Make it a great day.  Hope it’s restful.  Carpe diem, jeff 🙂

Orlando Science Center

Orlando Science Center has programs for the community to spend the night.

Our Church’s Cub Scout Pack is going, which means my son, a Wolf Cub, and I are going.

It should be a good sleepover.  

I hope I don’t snore too loud.

Have a great Saturday night, whatever your plans are.  Carpe PM, jeff noel  🙂

Two Choices?

Two choices everyday?

To do, or not to do.

Or in this particular example, to write or not to write.

This is my fifth post today.   Rather than not write, I decided to write this.

The right column can lead you to the other  four posts.  They’re all decent perspectives on a variety of important life themes.

It’s your choice.  To click, or not to click.  Make it a great day and carpe diem, jeff  🙂

Change yourself to change the world?

Change yourself to change the world?  

I went to the Apple store yesterday.   It intrigues me that Apple has forged a path, different then the status quo.

This challenges me to learn about Apple or not learn about Apple.   I have choosen to learn.

It dawned on me that the secret to success is having the right attitude.  And that the right attitude can be significantly influenced when there is a compelling reason.

Being a role model to my family is very compelling to me.   The moral – never stop learning.  Find a way to keep pushing your understanding, without sacrificing your core, your root values. 

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂