We Were So Poor…

House For Sale, Needs TLC
House For Sale, Needs TLC

Most people have a tough climb, to earn what they have and where they are in life.

Some mountains are financial, some health, some career, some education. And some people climb them all. Some don’t climb any.

It’s just the way things work.

We were so poor is a June 26 post that posed the question, “How poor were you?”

We were so poor when we moved to Florida 27 years ago:

  • We only had one car
  • Daily, I bicycled 36 miles roundtrip to work
  • Granted an extra low mortgage rate for our $47,000 home

No Hometown Prophet


Yesterday’s post, with the quote sent from Sally, is a reminder of how difficult it is to have the confidence to feel like we can make a difference.

People who know you well, will not notice your transformation, and therefore, you are much more susceptible to their ridicule and your own doubt.

And during this Lenten Season, many are reminded of Jesus’ story. Jesus wasn’t considered a Prophet in his home town, but he should have been.

Instead, he changed the course of history with his humility. And his prophetic promise, and sacrifice.

Simple Is As Simple Does

Are You Paying Attention?
Are You Paying Attention?

Simple is elusive.

Focus is elusive.

Determination is elusive.

Humility is elusive.

Unless your life purpose is clear.

Reading yesterday’s post had me question my humility.  You read it and you saw “I did”.

The thing you should understand (in case you don’t) is that there are many people who can tell you what should be done and why, but they themselves can not – not nearly to the extent they preach.

It seemed to me, there was an opportunity for a common man (perhaps a Father) to step up and try it differently.

And Then What Happened?

Well, the experiment paid off.  The website traffic numbers went back up, quickly.

So this was intriguing, “How does one keep their blog(s) relevant enough to compete with the pros”?

“How do you keep traffic increasing?  How do you figure out what people want”?

Just a month earlier, in May, I delved into You Tube, slowly at first, but now have 120+ videos posted.

Went to a Writer’s Retreat, started Twitter and Facebook, in July. These activities led to record numbers.

In August, represented the United States at the WMA Master’s Track & Field World Championships in Lathi, Finland.

Another record month.  Now in September, the posts are purposefully shorter, with fewer tags.  And for some reason, web traffic is breaking records, dramatically.

The only thing I can attribute this to is YOU, the reader of these blogs.  Thank you.  Your interest is humbling.  For real.