Humbled by the home aging process

Dorney Park


(photo: Dorney Park is a stone’s throw from the halls of the Nursing Home.)

Humbled by the home aging process.

All the stuff we collect, store, insure, and think is valuable…

What happens to us when we get older?


Walk the halls of a nursing home.


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Overcoming reluctance?

Florida vanity license plate


Work van in parking lot
A sage once said to someone full of doubt, “Simba, remember who you are”.


How does a person or business overcome their reluctance to self promote?

How does one justify the time and expense to say, “Hey everyone, look at me?”

Perhaps the answer is to become a remarkable category of one.

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Culture is when we do this without thinking

Florida Sand Hill Crane in yard
Look deeply into their eyes and see the truth


Culture is when we do this without thinking – everything.

Culture is what we think and do without thinking.

How committed would you be to organizing your efforts around crystal clear communication with the leaders within a group (work group, community group, Family unit, etc) , even though we might see each other a few brief times each year?

This is an incredible test of patience, and…

Leading with humility and forgiveness and gratitude – even if you have no title.

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Torn and uncertain

IBD meds and DanActive
Much better to celebrate the cure for something once incurable.


Is organization also to be considered in terms of our emotions and joy?

Is it even possible?

And if yes, what’s the benefit?

When we see something big coming, can we plan (should we plan) some amazing celebration?

Or just be quietly thankful?

Probably that.

But it doesn’t feel quite right.

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Do you want to blow people’s minds or not?

A classroom like this is so packed, the presenters barely had room in the room to sit
A classroom like this is so packed, the presenters barely had room in the room to sit (small table in front of screen)


Do you want to blow people’s minds or not?

In some circles, creating the wow-factor all day, everyday is the only acceptable standard.

Mid Life Celebration’s Marketing Director struggles with this.

Meetings are currently being held to organize an appropriate launch plan.

What would you advise?

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