Freedom Isn’t Free, Ask Eric

Freedom isn’t free.  Just ask Eric, 35, father of two young daughters and protector of Freedom.

Yesterday, Eric had the window seat and I had the aisle. In between us, a man headed back home to Vietnam.

Eric’s headed back to his second tour in Afghanistan. He’s a police trainer. And for a little while, he was home on leave, in Central Florida with his family.

I mentioned that my Dad served in Japan during the Korean war and my Father-In-Law in Eurpore during WWII.

Then thanked him for what he does. He was more grateful than I thought.

After we went our separate ways, I noticed the gift shop newspaper rack:

Godspeed Eric
Godspeed Eric

The caption:  Afghan Police rush to the scene of a car bomb attack on a NATO convoy that killed eight and wounded at least 50.  A Taliban official vowed to strike polling stations in Thursday’s Presidential vote.

Today is our son’s school’s open house.  I almost started to feel sad that I won’t be there, because I’m in Chicago on business.  How pathetic am I?

Thank you Eric.  And thank you to all who serve our country, and all countries focused on peaceful living.

Insanely Busy?

Insanely busy?  Sure feels like it.

Doesn’t stop me though.

Does your work load overwhelm you?

Blind faith that doing the right things for the right reasons will pay off.

Maybe not in the way I think, but pay off nonetheless.

I’d be lost with out faith.  Lost without hope.  Lost without a purpose.

It’s my purpose that motivates and inspires me to do my best every day.

“If I’m not doing my very best everyday, who’s to blame”?

Ever ask yourself that question?

Do you know your “purpose’?

If not today, when?  If not you, who?  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

jeff noel You Tube Blooper?

jeff noel, from Lane 8, in a rare blooper.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Copy Blogger Blog Tips

Blogs are changing the world.  Changing the way we do business.  Allowing anyone to have a voice, for $10 per year.

Here are some Copy Blogger Blog Tips.

Once again, Twitter has led me to a great blogging tips article from Copyblogger.

Click here to read Brian Clark’s blogging insights – this one written by Sonia Simone.

If you’re not interested in writing blogs, that’s ok. The reason these things are important, is that it helps make bloggers better.

If you love to read blogs, this is the price great bloggers pay.

Hard work is the name of the game.  No one wants to hear it.  Most don’t want to tell you – it scares people away.

That ain’t good for friendships.  Ya with me?  Carppe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Seth Godin Blogger Interview

Seth Godin, Blogger extraordinaire, recently did an interview for Josh Bernoff,  senior vice president, idea development at Forrester Research.

If you have any desire to be a blogger, be a better blogger, or if you ever wondered why I write five blog posts per day, every day, click here.

That’s it for today. If you are taking a short cut and not clicking to read the interview with Seth, you are making a huge mistake.

Maybe saying that was a mistake.  Do two mistakes make a right?

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂