Never Knew – 3 Steps

And yes, I’m totally serious about step 3. No guts, no glory.

Ever find yourself with a challenging situation and critical decisions to make? Know the top decision making criteria for successful decision makers?

  • Does it get you closer to or farther from your goal?
  • Is your goal bigger than yourself?
  • Are you willing to die for your ‘purpose’?

Okay, so the last one is deep. Profound. Once you have something that you are willing to die for, you just might get something done.

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The Difference?

What's The Difference?
What's The Difference?

The difference between those that make the list and those that don’t, whether they be people, organizations, religions, cultures, ideas, patents, and so on, is this:

Here’s what it takes. And I’m well aware there will be people who disagree with this, and people who embrace it.

And if you don’t have it, you will always be following people who do. Here’s the difference:


That’s it.

Passion.  The secret ingredient.  The difference.