The beauty of lightness

Every tiny spider we find in our house has great odds of being caught and released. Only a life with margin in its schedule will think this scenario though and act on it.

The beauty of lightness.






Just a brief thought-riff on the lightness i’m beginning to feel again. Haven’t felt this light since returning from Glacier National Park 40 days ago.

Light meaning caught up, not overwhelmed, proactive, margin in my daily routine.

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But it’s so liberating

So many books – there are books crammed in horizontally on top of vertical rows. Note: what works for one may not for another. Not judging. Just comparing to my own standards.

But it’s so liberating.


Being decently organized.

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This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

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Embrace your hero’s journey

Glacier National Park postcards
Have you ever received a Glacier National Park postcard? Ever sent one?

Simplifying and delegating can be overwhelming.

Please don’t let this stop you.

If your current situation is a story about the hero’s journey, you know the part where there’s a huge challenge that has to be met or everything is lost?

This hard, mostly overwhelming (with no guarantee, mind you) work is a fire you must walk through.

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This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.


Now that i’m clear

quote about independence
With God as my witness, this is a screen shot from an hour ago. i believe my wife and son always deserve an explanation.

Now that i’m clear, i feel a lightness that is literally indescribable.


So cool.

Thriving to the next level.

Life is hard.

i get it.

i’m an alcolholic.

Probably addicted to sugar too.

And i used to smoke cigarettes, but only when i drank. And for 28 years, i only drank twice a week, on weekends and weekdays.

Dysfunction is nothing to be ashamed of.

It’s widespread.

But carrying some (self-imposed) unnecessary burden that it’s my job to fix it was unreasonable.

Ever hopeful. 

Optimistic to a fault?

Then the creative year-long effort to reveal the obvious.

Change can only come from self-motivation.

Let’s just admit where we stand and then be willing to accept it and let go of things we can’t control.

 PS. Facebook does not a solution make. Too public. Too impersonal. Like the dictatorial boss who thinks she can send memos to change her company’s culture…

PSS: Context – this post may seem hypocritical, like the boss writing the memo. Not everything is as it appears – private efforts remain private. i am at peace with the personal face-to-face and voice-to-voice efforts i have made in the past. Moving forward, these are always welcome. And i have retired from initiating them. Not initiating them in 2018 was the equivalent of the USA imposing economic sanctions on a country that takes USA’s generosity for granted, meaning a mental health professional agreed it would be a legitimate approach.

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This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.


It’s the reason all three of us took the risk

Snyder Creek and Lake McDonald
Snyder Creek and Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park…and a few rock towers.


Lee Cockerell and i enjoyed a half-hour together yesterday.

Left the house at 5:50am for the hour bike ride to arrive 10 minutes early for a 7am breakfast at “Lee’s Starbucks”.

Lee’s son, Dan, recently left Disney to do what Lee and i do – help others by sharing our Disney wisdom in speeches and advising.

We shared how our Summer is going and weaved in and out of business talk.

Lee asked me if i ever expected the freedom i currently enjoy with controlling my time.


It was the reason i took the risk.

It’s the reason his son, Dan, recently did the same.

So excited for Dan – almost as if he’s my brother.

On the 12-mile return bike ride, i carved out 50 more minutes at the gym to focus on strength, core, and flexibility.


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This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.