Baby Boomer And Midlife Wellness Expert, jeff noel, Thinks Christmas Makes Us Brave

Midlife Celebration

Baby Boomer and midlife wellness expert, jeff noel, thinks Christmas makes us brave. How so? If a King was in our midst to lead us, a King above all Kings, would that make us cower or cheer?

The Heavenly glory that Christmas’ promise fulfills is that we finally have a Savior to lead us. Can you think of anything more inspiring than to have the Prince of Peace finally arrive?

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A Fellow Boomer Asked jeff noel If He Ever Tires Writing Five Daily, Different Blogs

Did he just say, "Not a chance"?

Some of jeff noel’s friends are bloggers. They seem to marvel at his ability to write five daily, short, pithy blog posts about Life’s Big Choices. Only recently did noel start to consciously understand why. It’s hard to do anything everyday. Period. Except maybe, eat. But to eat healthily and in moderation everyday? Not a chance.

Curious, any of you feel the subconscious tug to rethink, reprioritize and recommit? Not a chance?

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Why It Works

Did You Check The Oil?
Did You Check The Oil?

Transforming oneself is an elusive goal.

Hell Heck, most people don’t even consider doing it. Well, most people do, until we realize how much it’s going to cost.

And it’s at this very moment when a 1971 Fram Oil Filter campaign slogan comes to mind, You can pay me now or pay me later.”

The reason getting started on your life changing transformation is so important is because, well, you simply have to start.

Then, the tricky part. The part most people can’t handle. Never stopping.

Bob Dylan, the folk-pop-rock icon of the 1960’s and 1970’s once said, “He who’s not busy being born, is busy dying.”

And the longer you wait, the more it costs.

Editor note:  These conversations are always to myself. If it strangely sounds like I’m talking to you, it’s merely a coincidence.

jeff noel Knows

jeff noel knows.  No, seriously.

I know the reason why we get old.

“You don’t stop doing things because you get old.  You get old because you stop doing things.”Rosamonde Pilcher