Are you brave enough?

The sky’s the limit?

Are you brave enough to invent things we’ve never seen before – to influence things in a way that doesn’t currently exist?


Why yes or why no?

Taking risks is risky, so is playing it safe.

You can quote me on that.

Some additional notes on invention…

What if planning your life included a deadline for accomplishing everything in life that was important to you?

What if planning for life involved written, prioritized goals, values, and behaviors?

What if your deadline included a date that gave you years, not days, weeks, or months?

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Ahead of schedule, please

Small Business tax paperwork


Get your billions back America. Not quite half way into tax season (Feb 27) and dropped off the Mid Life Celebration paperwork with Joyce at West Orange Tax.

It feels good being ahead of schedule without pressure.

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April 3, 2014… still waiting for the first book royalties payment

Mid Life Celebration book
April 3, 2014.. still waiting for the first book royalties payment


Turning in 2013’s paperwork today for the annual April 15th tax return deadline.

Feels good being 12 days early.

However without the reality of an impending 21-day trip, it’s likely there may have been last minute panic.

Instead, there’s get it done early panic.

It’s all good though.

And it feels great.

Next Blog

Life is brutal

Canadian Rockies
Frozen wilderness is one of the most brutal (Canadian Rockies)


Life is brutal.

Deadlines. Pressure.

Lack of deadlines. Ambiguity.

Priorities. Competing.


Our fear isn’t in failing.

Seriously, it’s not.

And we should embrace our fear.

We see it clearly when we see what our real fear should be.

What if our real fear was in not learning from the constant pressure and ambiguity?

And then repeating the same, insidiously fearful cycle.

Would we have conquered fear if we had harnessed our fear and the ambiguity?

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