Personal coaching for do-it-yourselfers

Long lines at Post Office
Longest lines i’ve seen at the Post Office in a year. Glad i wasn’t desperate yesterday. Able to simply walk away.


It’s surreal this morning, counting only 18 days until the beginning of the 9th year of five-a-day-blogging.

Daily writing is like having a tutor.

Personal coaching for do-it-yourselfers.

Doubtful i’ll ever be able to walk away from (minimum) two hours of daily writing.


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This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.


Who Motivates You To Change?

World Class? Prove It!
World Class? Prove It!

Change is the only constant.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Mostly, we hate change. But yet we are surrounded by it. At work. At home. On the news. In our face. Everywhere.

And deep down inside, we know that change has many positive benefits, and with hard work, we CAN change.

But who pushes you?

Who gets in your face and reminds you you can’t quit?

Is it you?  Do you coach yourself?

And if you are self-coached, where did you learn it, from a book, a seminar, a show?  Let’s be real.

Your biggest and best change came when someone believed you could do what you didn’t believe you could do. The “coach” got in your face and pushed you, and rode you, and drove you to excellence.

Who’s coaching you now?

Or don’t you care anymore?

Prove it.