jeff noel quotes

Suomi Quotes?
Suomi Quotes?

Being inspired inspires others.

Most humans like quotes. We enjoy the way a small sentence or quick thought can summarize the essence of a larger body of work.

Some people are addicted to quotes, like me.

And some people find themselves quotable. This is usually by design, and it is also the mark of someone who’s been burned by Hell’s fire and came out purified, or at the very least, changed.

And in our busy, hectic, worried lives, small, digestible sound bites really satisfy our hunger for a laugh, for inspiration, for validation, for comfort – and on and on.

Quotes are good.

You can quote me on that.

Who Dat?

We Met In An Interview
We Met In An Interview

If a picture is worth a thousand words….

Recently was in the right place at the right time. Ever have lucky days like that?  Days where you just happen to be in the right place at the right time, for the right reasons?

Hope today is a day like that for you. You know, the harder you work, the luckier you get. Not making that up. It’s true.


Think He Loves His Cage?
Think He Loves His Cage?

Feeling edgy this morning. Feelin’ edgy for a week.

Ever feel like that?

U2’s Desire is not one of my favorites, however, it really fits today. Click Desire.

Not the song, the feeling. Desire.

Desire to do what?