Great By Choice Or Does Your Company (Or You) Stink?

This is a close up of the photo in yesterday's jeff noel blog post

Two compelling book titles in the Dallas/Fort Worth airport a few months ago. We can surmise that being great (left book) is done on purpose, and being bad (stinky, right book) is done by not being on purpose. This is the Midlife Movement and the Midlife Herd in a weird analogy. The truth (in these book titles) is rather harsh, isn’t it. So is midlife.

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Will today be the best day of your life?

It depends.

On what?

Many things probably.

I’m guessing if it’s gonna be my best day, I’ll have to really be “in the moment” and focus repeatedly on the multitude of blessings that are mostly invisible to the naked eye.

You up for the challenge?   If not you, who?  If not today, when?   Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂