What’s The Point?

Five blogs daily.  Every single day.  Seven days a week.  Week after week. Month after month.

Maybe there’s something wrong with me.  Maybe there’s not.

“Aren’t you cutting into your Family time”? Maybe.

Maybe not.  When you’re highly motivated, creative and courageous, what can stop you from chasing your dreams.

Wanna know a little known fact?  After Q1, realized that I wasn’t doing what was promised – write for our son.

Told my son, “You want to be a good reader, read a lot.  Want to be a good runner, run a lot.  Want to be a good writer, write a lot”. This led to a 100 day challenge….

As Promised…

The three things I did Thursday that scared me:

  1. Asked someone to help me write my first book
  2. Made a business proposal to an unlikely candidate
  3. Made a second business proposal to a likely candidate

Guess what?  It feels great!

Even if I fail, I succeed.

If you don’t understand this concept, you may want to invest in figuring it out.

It’s one of the most powerful and liberating truths life has to offer you.

Simply put:

“Nothing ventured. Nothing gained”.

If not today, when?  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂