Let it go

Retweet of jeff noel quote
Second from bottom tweet, above, is a jeff noel quote.


jeff noel quote on Instagram
Same quote posted by same person’s Instagram account, without attribution to me. No worries. It happens sometimes.


The second photo is cool. A great quote. Who’s it from?

One of the rarely realized benefits from being decently organized (in this case on social media) is that when someone quotes you but makes it sound like their own – no worries, it just comes with the territory.

The upside is the realization that you are using original content in your life, not someone else’s.

Having original thoughts, inspired by great and compassionate thinkers before us, inspires us to become a truer, more authentic version of ourselves.

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Appreciate your authenticity (honesty) in sharing that

Walt Disney World entrance sign
Disney isn’t mentioned once in the book


Appreciate your authenticity (honesty) in sharing that.

The vision for the book was to help a young man (now only 13) think about the future.

And to be crystal clear with him that everything is a choice.

And that we are in charge of our choices.

And that our choices have outcomes.

And we are never locked into bad or good choices.

However, we will develop habits.

And to be really, really intentional about which habits we create (and avoid).

Wishing you nothing but the best.

Have read the book 21 times since its been in print.

Each time it is more inspiring, more validating.

More important.

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How abundant or rare is this thing we crave?

School play "International Parade" (7th & 8th graders on stage)
School play “International Parade” (7th & 8th graders on stage)


How abundant or rare is this thing we crave?


We cherish it in others and long for it in ourselves.

Busy, busy schedules complicate our lives and challenge us to the point of no return. Tempted and discouraged, we no longer focus on being authentic – it takes too long and the process to reach genuine authenticity often comes under attack.

Our motives will be attacked also. And new people enter our life who have no previous experience with us.

Being authentic can appear to others as weakness, or a lack of ambition.

It’s tough being an adult, especially one organizing their life around becoming authentic or maintaining authenticity.

Authenticity. Rare. Hence valuable.

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Where does a person go to see authenticity?

Funny note pad message
Busy and authentic are at odds with each other


Where does a person go to see authenticity?



If you’re not in the business of self-help, it really looks like authenticity is real.

So many people are simply trying to put bread on the table – whatever it takes.

Great acting is alive and well.

The misfits, the odd balls, the loners, the antagonists – they all have two things in common.


And a vision.

Moving from surviving to thriving changes the way you approach your art.

Been there, done that, doing it still (only better), and will do it until death.


What did you expect?

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

Live like you mean it!

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A Word Of Caution If You’re New Here…

Authenticity is the new currency, and it’s rare. You’ll find a gold mine here. But you’ll have to work hard if you want to change something important in your life. I guarantee if you invest 30 days reading all 5 blogs jeff noel writes each morning, your life will begin to change. There is nothing random here. Nothing. Even if it seems so. Your move.