Quietly, Patiently In The Background, jeff noel Is Working Hard To Bring You More Good Things

Acadia University, Nova Scotia 2011

Since 2009, jeff noel’s best work has been given away for free, while jeff works quietly, patiently and carefully to bring you more good things.

The value proposition is to give so much away for free that when the season comes, the business would be just that, a business. With more than just expenses. Something called income.

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September Of My Years?

The more things change, the more they stay the same

September of my years? Maybe. Probably. If history repeats itself, then early winter. But who says we can’t tempt fate? jeff noel submits that this September is the change of season that Mid Life Celebration, LLC has long awaited.

Frank Sintra’s song by the same name, is a sure sign that time marches on. And progress never sleeps.

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Did Anyone Ever Say Life Would Be Easy?

Surely you can do small things with great love

No one ever said life would be easy. But no one said we couldn’t try to make it easier for each other. jeff noel writes to help others:

  1. Think: self-reflection fuels understanding & wisdom
  2. Smile: a universal sign of happiness
  3. Be grateful: the source of all great wealth (peace)

Amazing happens. Help facilitate it. Go.

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Why We Get Old

The daily grind. It either wears you down or polishes you up.

It’s You Tube Sunday, and here’s my 12-second clip from Joshua Tree National Park – “Why we get old”.

Listen carefully for the fundamental reason.

It’s totally within your control.

(scroll down for yesterday’s post or jump over to Mind blog)

jeff noel Knows

jeff noel knows.  No, seriously.

I know the reason why we get old.

“You don’t stop doing things because you get old.  You get old because you stop doing things.”Rosamonde Pilcher