Almost 60

Disney Leadership Speakers
What professional, in their right mind, wears a hat like this during a corporate interview?

Almost 60.

Who travels over oceans to international destinations toting a Goofy Hat?

Who wears said hat to media interviews?

Ask yourself crazy questions.

Assuming it’s never immoral nor unethical, consider saying yes to many “would-you-do-it” questions?

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Age can be crazy generous with many, many seasons

crazy generous sign
Age can be crazy generous with many, many seasons


There are seasons to everything.

Being organized.

Taking risks.

Feeling overwhelmed.

Celebrating life’s simple joys.

Is it feeling like Springtime for taking risks?


You could be on the cusp of something amazing.

Something that will change you forever and bring untold blessings.

Next Blog


jeff noel Knows

jeff noel knows.  No, seriously.

I know the reason why we get old.

“You don’t stop doing things because you get old.  You get old because you stop doing things.”Rosamonde Pilcher

Brand New Old Man

Is 50 old?  I think not.  Not to my In-Laws (83 & 86).  Maybe to our son (9), or one of my colleagues (28). But not me.  No sir-yee.

Old?  What does that mean, old?

And what does it mean to be brand new?    Can something “old” become brand new?

I think so.  I know so.

The question now, is, “Do you think so?”