Battle At Kruger

This You Tube video has nearly 50 million views which speaks for itself. It’s a little slow at first, and I almost clicked away and moved on, but didn’t.  It has strong subliminal meaning to our lives as humans – this battle between Lions, Water Buffalo and Crocodiles. The end will surprise you.

Hope Is Not A Game Plan

Hard work is a great game plan.

Hope is not a game plan.

Hope is indispensable, please don’t misunderstand the intent here.

But hope alone, is not a game plan, hard work is:

  • Vision
  • Passion
  • Selflessness
  • Love
  • Service
  • Tenacity
  • Indomitable Will

Rather try hard and fail, than to simply hope and never try hard enough.

Resist the temptation to lean on self-pity.  Click here if all you want right now is hope. You must have hope.  It’s not a game plan, but it is the start.