Can We Baby Boomers Get Organized Enough To Make 2012 Shine Brightly?

Sunshine on a stem!

For jeff noel, there’s no excuse in the world for being so disorganized that his life is not worth starting over, to rethink, reprioritize and recommit.

Boomers, let’s not let our past failures paralyze us from our future successes. I’ve been approaching things slowly and steadily, because that’s the way I got there in the first place. And rethinking what’s important, reprioritizing things (my time), and working desperately hard to get and remain recommitted to long-lasting, positive change.

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The Final Week Of 2011 Will Influence The First Week Of 2012

Birds of a feather, flock together. Same with Baby Boomers.
Florida Sandhill Cranes are a threatened species, but plentiful in the neighbor's yard.

Wild animals don’t need much internal motivation to thrive. Each day’s meal, and the watchful eye for predators, leads to another day of the same. The payoff? Mating season and the chance to reproduce – the common purpose of every living thing.

But humans are a different animal. We think tomorrow is guaranteed. We get satisfied, then complacent, and finally decline. The shift from one to the other is slow, yet fast, quiet yet obnoxious. Uncertain yet guaranteed.

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