Professional Speaker

Professional Speaker.

Know what that means? Duh, right?  Public speaker who gets paid…blah, blah, blah.

It means there are people who’s job is to give speeches. Everyday.

In front of people.  Sometimes a dozen, or several dozen. Sometimes a thousand, or several thousand.

And some of them really try to be so good at what they do (same as a parent, nurse, chef, etc) that their speech may actually start to change the world.

You know how I know this?  I’m one of them.  Happy day.  Carpe diem.

Ready Set Go

Biggest “party day” of the year is when?

New Year’s Eve.

It transcends race, religion, gender, all of it. A world-wide celebration.

It’s also the biggest “drinking day” of the year. People who don’t drink, drink.

And people who do drink, really drink.  Ya with me?

I remember December 31, 2001 like it was yesterday.

New Year’s Resolutions Past

New Year’s Resolutions from years past:

  • Set all clocks to same time (and the real time)
  • Eat more desserts
  • Loose weight
  • Exercise
  • Eat less desserts
  • Write a book
  • Start a website
  • Stop smoking
  • Make no new resolutions
  • See the Country
  • Call home more often
  • Write home more often
  • Stay in better touch with friends
  • Get a promotion
  • Stop drinking

Well, 11 out of 15 ain’t bad.