Don’t Expect It During Your Lifetime

Why not just walk down to the river's edge, cup our hand and grab a drink?
We talk a kitchen sink for granted. A toilet too.

There may come a time when humans slow down and “go with the flow” and not push so hard for the next big thing that will make our lives easier (and the inventors rich).

Personally, I won’t expect it during my lifetime.

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Five Blogs In Un-Record Time

Jim (the owner and expert) in back, Jimmie middle, jungle jeff up front.
Former Navy bringing up the rear.

From our three-person canoe, the other Cub Scout Dad and I marveled at the earth’s tides as we gently paddled ahead of the boys. The ebb and flow of mother nature. Was there a secret message to humans? We talked also of cliches and sayings, wondering if there is a difference.

Nature ebbs and flows – “going with the flow” – is that the secret to life? Learning how to go with the flow? I wondered aloud if there’d be an iPhone with simply going with the flow. Seems there are times when we should be full-throttle pushing the limits. Right?

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