How abundant or rare is this thing we crave?

School play "International Parade" (7th & 8th graders on stage)
School play “International Parade” (7th & 8th graders on stage)


How abundant or rare is this thing we crave?


We cherish it in others and long for it in ourselves.

Busy, busy schedules complicate our lives and challenge us to the point of no return. Tempted and discouraged, we no longer focus on being authentic – it takes too long and the process to reach genuine authenticity often comes under attack.

Our motives will be attacked also. And new people enter our life who have no previous experience with us.

Being authentic can appear to others as weakness, or a lack of ambition.

It’s tough being an adult, especially one organizing their life around becoming authentic or maintaining authenticity.

Authenticity. Rare. Hence valuable.

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She said she just had to chuckle at their attempt to model world class leadership

Young girl from TV commercial
Business folk get a small handful of extraordinary leaders in their lifetime


She said she just had to chuckle at their attempt to model world class leadership. So I asked her why.

She said because they were so obviously unprepared it was embarrassing, and because she acted oblivious to it all, they both thought she was not aware.

It was a big, once-a-year, close-out-the-year type meeting. One of those meetings that reflects the entire body of a year’s worth of art work.

Ever have that happen?

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Should we remain weak?

Dalai Lama quote on Compassion
Compassion can appear to others as weakness, when in fact it’s strength


Should we remain weak?

The meek shall inherit the Earth. Right?

In our brokenness we come to understand the human condition.

We are never in control.

Yet we strive to be organized.

A never ending battle.

Worth the meek fight.

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