How Was June?


Man, June was great!

It’s like a 30-day opportunity to enjoy life, work hard, and make a difference.

The really challenging part is handling all the administrative stuff that comes with life. The day to day junk that has to get done, because it ain’t gonna get done by itself.

Some months are drought, some flood, some feast, some famine.

Now that June’s done, strap in and enjoy the ride we call July.

Day To Day Grind

We Are All The Same
We Are All The Same

Day to day stuff. The miscellaneous, but critically important details we need to attend to day in and day out. If we don’t, we get behind, and eventually, we may get buried by our workload.

I know this well. Can’t recall the last time I had nothing to do. Every day, there’s a dull, but heavy pressure to do all the stuff that needs doing. It never ends. It never should end.

Today, in addition to the usual prayer requests, I’d like to add anyone dealing with a particularly heavy, and horrible situation today. There are many of you fitting this description. In particular today, however, I’m responding to an email that came through late last night.

Pray for Peace in her Soul, Joy in her Spirit, and Love in her Heart. And not only for her, but also for her entire Family. Transport to deeper message.

How Was Your Day?

Pick A Stone, Any Stone
Pick A Stone, Any Stone

Were you insanely busy today?

Were you frustrated at the volume of your work? The pressure from your deadlines?

Did anything cool happen? An unexpected nice thing?

What’s keeping you afloat right now? Where do you get your strength? Your hope?

Are you a leader in this regard?  Or do you rely on others?

Are you ready for tomorrow? You know why I’m asking, right?

Because tomorrow will not wait for you, nor me, to be ready. And neither will the day after that.

PS. Today’s second post. (9:30pm Orlando time)

Ever Notice The Names?

Click On The Photo To Enlarge
Click On The Photo To Enlarge

Two days ago, stopped at an intersection, the car in front of me had a bumper sticker that caught my eye. We all find ourselves reading funny ones, crazy ones, inspiring ones, and sometimes offensive ones.

If you click on this photo, it’ll enlarge and it reads:


We see names like: Wildcats, Bulldogs, Warriors, Rockets, Fighting Irish, Rams, Raiders and other assorted “power names”.

You know what we never see on High School “Team” bumper stickers?  The Bunnies, Chicks, Duckies, Wildflowers, Snowflakes, Gumdrops.

Culture is what people think and do, without thinking.

What if we started to think a bit differently about bumper stickers, names, habits, confidence, tough decisions?