Invest In An MBA?

We stop learning because, well, we stop trying to learn. Getting an MBA sounds like a good idea – on paper.  But for what? A promise that it will catapult your career? Seriously? Look around at people with MBA’s.

Always the (professional) antagonist, my MBA comes with only one promise. You pass or you fail, and no fancy piece of paper suitable for framing.

You get, or not, a profitable, entrepreneurial business. This is hard.

Next Blog

Being Organized Is A Full Time Job

He Said This System Works For Him
He Said This System Works For Him

Some people openly state that they aren’t very organized. Others, they have some inexplicable talent for making their life seem uncluttered and simple.

No matter where you fall in this range, the fact remains – that life is hard – and, being organized is hard. But can you imagine a challenging life without good organization?

To be at the pinnacle of a nearly three decade career, and starting an entrepreneurial small business seems like an overwhelming task.

It is. But only twice a week – weekdays and weekends.

Now, in this downturn, is the perfect time to start a business. These industry leaders cast a majority vote.

(next blog)

I Think You Know This Already

The Band Sounds Pretty Good After A Few Drinks
The Band Sounds Pretty Good After A Few Drinks

Before a band becomes an overnight success, they have to travel and self-promote.

It’s a long, hard road. But they pay their dues with the hope of being discovered.

Life on the road is grueling. The audience is Heavenly, but the traveling is hell.

Marriages sometime crumble. Some bands break up. Some become addicted to the easy access to drugs and other stimulants.

And some find a way to create a following, stay healthy and productive. And they become rock stars.

You have to want it bad enough and work harder than the others.

I think you know this already.

To visit the 1st of my 5 daily blogs, click here.