Here’s What I’m Trying To Do

photo courtesy of Cheryl Noel

Here’s a real life, in real time example of what yesterday’s post tried to illuminate. (I can’t make this stuff up) Helping our son with homework last night, he was asked to find out why the Earth rotates around the sun.

I read his completed work and asked if he copied it or wrote it himself. He copied it. Then I asked him if he could explain it. He couldn’t. Then I asked if he could re-write it in his own words. He struggled big time on re-researching. In the end, he agreed that the push to try harder not only allowed him use his own words, but to also understand them as well.

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I Haven’t Done This In A While

Why did Walt Disney love horses?

I haven’t stopped in a timeout-like fashion to do a pulse check in a while. If you know me in person, you know I like asking important, compelling questions. I also like to tell stories and use personal examples, versus something I’ve read or heard. Even crazier, I’ve been classically trained inspired to not give answers, but facilitate answers. Many of my posts contain questions people miss or ignore…

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Bob Asked, Are You Still Writing Five Blogs Everyday?

jeff noel Midlife runner
jeff noel Midlife runner
jeff noel Midlife runner

My friend asked, “Are you still writing five blogs everyday?” We hadn’t seen each other in nearly a year. Others will ask, “Are you still running?”

No one ever asks me, “Are you still praying everyday?” It seems unnatural to have any answer other than yes.

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Boomers, You Are The CEO Of You, Inc

Consider yourself blessed if you intimately know how a legendary company makes it work

Whether you think running is hard, or that writing is hard, the bottom line for all Baby Boomers is this very simple, and tough, fact: You are the CEO of You, Inc.

The message jeff noel takes away from this is run your life like a successful business. Vision, focus, discipline, creativity, innovation, risk-taking, courage, quality, team work, integrity….

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jeff noel Wonders How Many People Worry About What To Write

What's your purpose?

Recently, jeff noel asked a friend if he was still running. The friend had fallen away from running. The friend said the first mile is always the toughest.

It is if you believe it is. It isn’t if you believe it isn’t. In writing, the first sentence will only be tough if you think it will be tough.

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