Looking forward to getting new insights on personal organization

important stuff
the sky, the ocean, the island, some trees… how much more do we need?

Looking forward to getting new insights on personal organization. Flying to my hometown for the big High School reunion. Everyone has gotten older. Everyone probably has more stuff. What do we do with it? How much do we need? Why do we think it’s important when we may never touch it again?

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Midlife makeover?

midlife make over
don’t be one

Heading to my 35th High School reunion in three days. Most of us will look and feel like we’ve been at war with life. Why? Because we have. We all have. No exceptions. The multi-item goal no one demands we acknowledge is this:

A heart full of love, a spirit full of joy, a soul full of peace, a body that houses everything that keeps us alive, and an executive office where we sit as CEO of Me, Inc.

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What are midlife reruns?

intentional living
our life is either by design or by default – either way, it’s still our life

Just watched the first (Oct 3) Presidential debate recording from four nights ago. A hungry Romney was on the attack. A relaxed Obama took more punches than he threw.

Taking a look at our life, have we taken more punches or thrown more punches?

The candidates get two more chances to do-over.

How many do we get as Baby Boomers in the midlife? Maybe, if we’re lucky, one.

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