I could never consider myself smart if I didn’t do this

University of Hawai'i Hilo sign
All of today’s photos are from the halls of University of Hawai’i Hilo (except this one)


I could never consider myself smart if I didn’t do this.

To be able to write and leave important notes for my Family, in case something bad ever happened, and to not – seriously, how is that possible?

In Hawaii for 12 days, right? Didn’t turn on the TV once.

No time for it.

Barely time to write.

Barely time to exercise.

Did them both to the best of my ability.

What’s our other option?

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Should we remain weak?

Dalai Lama quote on Compassion
Compassion can appear to others as weakness, when in fact it’s strength


Should we remain weak?

The meek shall inherit the Earth. Right?

In our brokenness we come to understand the human condition.

We are never in control.

Yet we strive to be organized.

A never ending battle.

Worth the meek fight.

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A first in the past 30 years

Person sitting on Maui coast overlook
He’s watching the mid day sun, on Maui.


A first in the past 30 years. On the Big Island of Hawaii, and Maui, for the past 12 days. Didn’t see a single sunrise or sunset.

How is that even remotely possible?

Was reminded of how insane the notion is – while finishing this fifth blog and the sun is about to rise over my neighbor’s house across the street.

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