Three overarching categories for Mid Life Celebration’s first book

Three overarching categories for Mid Life Celebration's first book
Three overarching categories for Mid Life Celebration’s first book


Three overarching categories for Mid Life Celebration’s first book:

  • Self Help
  • Health and Fitness
  • Religion

Organized to maximize.

No crystal ball. Only gut.

Launch. Learn. Revise.

Note: These are categories from a list, not first choices. Not a fan of the ‘r’ world. Spirituality is more like it.

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Are you being tested in some extraordinary way?

Daisies as center piece
Trying to keep life as simple as a common daisy?


Are you being tested in some extraordinary way? Political unrest. Neglected physical health. Work demands. Home demands. Neglected spiritual convictions.

Oh, and Thanksgiving is two weeks away.

Ahhh, by the time we read this on February 25, 2014, all this stress and pressure will be a distant memory.


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