
I'm Guessing North
I'm Guessing North

Are you easily squirrel distracted?

I am.

Have a great Saturday everyone.

Do great work.

Lead a balanced life.

It happens one day at a time.

Tomorrow’s post will be from squirrel somewhere different.  🙂


Not A Fox, But Close Enough
Not A Fox, But Close Enough

We go on vacations to get away from it all, to have fun, and to be happy.

But why do we need to leave our homes to get that?

It seems counter-intuitive to me, but not in a good counter-intuitive way.

I mean, as adults, shouldn’t we make our homes a place where coming home is like an oasis from the real world?

So last night, it was late, and pulling into our long driveway, you could see the two beady eyes immediately, about 30 meters away.

A fox.

I love country living. It often feels like a vacation.

Being Organized Is Hard

Will It?
Will It?

There’s a secret to life not many people recognize, and even fewer talk about.

Know what it is?

Being organized.

And the “yeast” that makes being organized work, is simplification.

Complicated processes are a slow poison to our souls.

It’s odorless, colorless, tasteless, silent and completely invisible.

Wake up calls, a mentor, a higher purpose, and maybe one other thing are the catalyst to transformational change.

Carter, Carter, Carter

One Sleeping. One Watching A Movie. 2005
One Sleeping. One Watching A Movie. 2005

Valentine’s Day is exactly ten months away.

It’s a very special day for us.

We miss you.

A lot.