He said he was a hoarder

H is for Hoarding and hoarding is medication for when we can’t let go


He said he was a hoarder. Unsolicited. He confessed after I shared spending the past week (while Family was away) clearing clutter from my home.

Hoarding is a manifestation for us not being able to let go of things.

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Your life – by design or by default?

everything, every element, is by design = world’s most admired company


Your life – by design or by default? It’s one or the other.

One is methodical. Intention epitomized.

The other? Lack of intention epitomized.

One triumphs.


The other strangles.


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Perhaps the biggest no brainer when it comes to being organized

Apple Store app
He said, “No problem, do you have the Apple Store App?”… done
simple processes
so simple, even a cave person could do it

Perhaps the biggest no brainer when it comes to being organized. Use technology. Two days ago the Apple Store Mall of Millenia reopened as a (much larger) flagship store. Chapin and I attended.

In purchasing a small item, came to discover their credit card system was down. The Apple employee showed me how to use the Apple Store app. Bah-dah-bing, bah-dah-bang. Done.

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