Would recalibrating our tipping point make us more effective?

roadside wildflowers in Tennessee
get close to nature and then get closer still


Would recalibrating our tipping point make us more effective?

If the things that make us crazy were less, instead of more, would we take more and better action sooner?

You know, would it inspire us to become more organized.

Or would it simply exacerbate our need for personal organization?

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When our life changes, we will spend more time _____.


rural farm in Tennessee
I’ll spend more time traveling backroads with my wife and son


The main point: We wait for the time to be perfect. It never is.

When is the perfect time to ask a profoundly simple question like:

When our life changes, we will spend more time ________.

Our answer, most likely, is, “Later”.

(I’d write more. Wait, already doing that. I’d publish books.)

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Know why there aren’t many guitar or drum solos on the radio?

Nashville airport musician trying to make the big time
Nashville airport musician trying to make the big time


The main point: I’ve been writing longer pieces than usual, and hope to cut back – for your sake.

Live music, in concert. Few things as exciting. At some point, the guitarist, and the drummer, gets a few minutes to individually go off on a riff. We enjoy it because we’re a captive audience, and it’s stuff we can’t get on a CD.

Know why there aren’t many guitar or drum riffs on the radio?

Because even if it’s valuable, outside of a concert, people don’t have time for it.

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