Ever been drunk on life?

Raccoon in Florida homeowner trap
‘Deer in the headlights’


Raccoon in homeowner trap
It’s a trap to believe that someday later, we can really, deeply explore our convictions.


Ever been drunk on life?

So intoxicated that there would be someone who loves you so much that they would willingly give their life for yours?

Christian or non-Christian, doesn’t matter.

It certainly does not.

What does matter is that we are filled with our conviction.

Something about a loving Father that is so crazy in love with people that he would be willing to sacrifice His Son.

For some it’s simply a story.

For others it’s the only story that matters.

We know this.

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Part of being organized is doing things that won’t have value

The Breakers at sunset in Palm Beach, Florida
Late afternoon arrival allowed an hour of exploration before room service dinner


The Breakers oceanfront pool
The ocean is only a few feet away


Ocean front meeting room at The Breakers
Yes, the ocean is visible from where I’ll be speaking from


Ocean front meeting room at The Breakers
No, seriously, the Atlantic Ocean is right there


jeff noel profesional speaker with beach front view
An ‘i was really there shot’ (because seriously, there’s never been a view from the stage like this is 14 years)


At 10am, the curtains will need to be drawn shut or the screens will be washed out.

Part of being organized is doing things that won’t have value until a future date – in this case last night for this morning. Going into today fully prepared. No surprises. No doubt.

Would have been so much easier to order an early room service dinner and chill in the room last night. And worry about logistics and vibe this morning.

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Lt Gen’s Son Died Yesterday


Thank You 2nd Lt, How Do We Ever Repay You?
Thank You 2nd Lt, How Do We Ever Repay You?

Trusting you know Skip Gaskill by now. But not trusting you follow all the blog comments here, I’m reposting Skip’s comment from yesterday as today’s message:

“Jeff, believe it or not we prefer not to have to go to war.

Yesterday was the Marine Corps’ 235th birthday.  Jamie and I will attend the Commandant’s Birthday Ball in DC Saturday night.  This will be my 31st Ball.  This was also mine and Jamie’s first date in 1979.  Can you believe how fast it has gone?

This week Marines around the world (including the farthest reaches of Afghanistan) will share a birthday cake.  The oldest Marine present gets the first bite and then he passes it to the youngest Marine present.  This symbolizes passing on the knowledge and traditions of the Corps.  It is also a day where we reflect on and honor those who are no longer with us.

Yesterday a friend of mine (LtGen in the Corps) found out his son (2nd Lt) was killed in Afghanistan while leading his Marines against the Taliban.

Freedom isn’t Free”

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Sacrifices & Rewards

Be Creative With Life's Challenges
Be Creative With Life's Challenges

These two generally go hand in hand.

If you can sacrifice some things in order to create and maintain an organized, fairly systematic way to run your life, what do you think the payoff might be?

We all have to figure this out.

And as soon as we do, or maybe even sooner, something else will come along to knock us and our system down.

Fall down seven times, get up eight.

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jeff noel Burning The Candle?

jeff noel Burning The Candle?

A friend recently asked, “So how has writing five daily blogs affected you. What have you given up”?

I’ve given up:

  • Watching TV
  • Walking our Dog
  • Yard word, particularly our perennial gardens
  • Reading the (online) Orlando Sentinel, CNN, etc
  • Spending time with Family
  • Cut back on exercise (believe it or not)
  • Cut back on sleep (yawn)
  • And a few other things

It struck me later that night, while reflecting on his question and the answers.  Cutting back on work, or anything remotely related to cutting back on work, wasn’t mentioned.

I am addicted to work.  Many people are and simply don’t know it because they associate with others who are the same.

Nevertheless, I’m driven to create something bigger than myself, to help raise money until a cure is found for Crohns disease.  What are you sacrificing?  What are you sacrificing it for?