If Disney Ran Your Life official podcast release

Disney employee podcast
Listened yesterday morning May 8 walking to the gym. And again this morning (photo here at 6:38am) with our Son.
Disney leadership podcast
We made it under 15 minutes. This makes me smile.
Disney employee podcast
Listened a second time this morning.

If Disney Ran Your Life official podcast release is coming in June 2019.

When today’s posts go live, this will be old news; however, the excitement in the moment right now (May 9) is exceptional.

Disney employee podcast
Sent this to Jody yesterday, May 8.

Jody will be in Orlando soon and we will record a couple “official” episodes at Walt Disney World.

Try to imagine the mindset of someone willing to do (and pay for) 22 practice episodes.

Imagine also, if possible, someone who brings their podcast host from Seattle to Kuwait to record the first “Official” episode of If Disney Ran Your Life.

Dream, Create, Inspire.

Means nothing without action.

Son, you will be gifted with countless opportunities to grow. Many of them will be obvious right fits. Many will not.

Learn to thoughtfully consider the not-a-natural-fit opportunities. They may lead you to a beach or sumpin’ and it could be beautiful.

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This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.

Great news: Kids are not afraid of failing

We weren’t afraid to fail as a child.

Now look at us.

If you’re not prepared to fail, you’ll never create anything original.

As you age, you lose the appetite, and the capacity, to be wrong.

My 72-hour challenge to you is simple. Attempt something that will probably fail, but your failure will get you closer than you were before.

And on the off-chance that you don’t fail…congratulations.

Now keep repeating this process.

You’re welcome.

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This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.


The road to excellence has no finish line

iPhone video recording
iPhone video recording equipment shopping yesterday.


iPhone video recording
iPhone video recording equipment gets better and offers more choices.


iPhone video recording
iPhone video recording app discovered from a LinkedIn update.


iPhone video recording
iPhone video recording training discovered on a Facebook update.


iPhone video recording
Purchased this one. Pretty cool stuff. On a phone no less.



We are spending our Summer collaborating on ways to elevate Mid Life Celebration, LLC’s brand identity.

Additionally, we are solving for the best and most creative ways to solve for client’s requests for speaker footage.

Our top priority is not revealing my proprietary business content and speaking style.

KFC chicken is famous for it’s “secret recipe”.

Apple’s iOS is relentlessly guarded as if someone’s life depended on keeping it a secret.


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This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.


Just another day in Paradise

Mountain House freeze dried meals
Mountain House freeze dried meals…preparing for Granite Park Chalet.


Mountain House freeze dried meals
The breakfast skillet was good.


Glacier national Park road map
Glacier National Park timing logistics.


text message
Yesterday morning before takeoff.


rear seat on southwest plane
Here’s where i moved to. It was the first aisle seat available.


carrying luggage in both hands
This was a surreal moment. The freedom of having both hands free while traveling is a luxury most never experience.


Hand drawn Mickey Mouse
i know the artist of this San Antonio artwork.


wifi networks


Just another day in Paradise.

All of the photos above are from yesterday.


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This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.


Take risks, have fun, make a difference…

Disney keynote speaker jeff noel
Yesterday…never signed 45 books in one sitting…each singing was different.


Disney business author jeff noel
Disney keynote speaker jeff noel


Note to self, if you only remember three things…

Take risks, have fun, make a difference.

Check, check, and…check.


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This website is about our HQ. To reflect on posts about our MIND, click here.