When everything is brand new and awkward

WPS Cross Country
Pre-race team huddle.


HS cross country
Post race team photo.


When everything is brand new and awkward you might not hug and you might not stand too close. Life is a process. Patience is a virtue.




This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.


On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


Living Legend?


Martin Scorsase was awarded the Cecile B. Demille award last night at the Golden Globes.

I love movies but am not a movie buff. So seeing all Martin Scorsase’s films, in a flash compilation,  was amazing. I had no idea he was such a genius.

Watching that short highlight clip of the movies he’s directed and produced, was like watching, well, a living legend.

But today is not about living legends, today is about a legendary man, who had a dream.

A man who is no longer with us.

A man so legendary, that his dream changed the world.

Our son doesn’t have school today.  School’s closed, due to a National Holiday. And it ain’t for Mr Scorsase.

jeff noel now on Facebook

jeff noel is now on Facebook.

Like yesterday’s post about joining Twitter a few days ago, last night I joined Facebook.



It means nothing to some and to others, it means I’m embracing the future.

The future isn’t going to wait because we aren’t ready.

It’s coming at us like a freight train.

Whether we seize the day or not, the day still comes and goes.

Before we know it, we could be on our death bed.  Seriously.

I don’t live with the fear of dying.

I live with the fear of not fully living.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

PS.  It’s not even 7:00AM yet, and this is my 5th blog post this morning.  I’m not bragging, nor am I making any excuses, about what I do.  I just do it and if you want to criticise me or cheer for me, the choice is yours

The choice is always ours, isn’t it.  Particularly when it comes to our attitude.

Carpe diem,  jeff noel 🙂