Twitter Mid Life

Social media opens us up to the world at the same time it makes the world a smaller place…

Do you guard your Facebook Friend’s List, or open network?

I guard the Facebook gate. Everything else, let it ripe! Complete open networker.

  • Twitter – 2k followers (growing fast)
  • LinkedIn – 1k Connections (growing moderately)
  • Blogs visits – 70k+ per month
  • You Tube – 30k+ views

Embrace it, or not. It ain’t going away. Happy to connect, btw. 🙂

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You’re Probably Afraid Where You Stand

Who Standing There?
Who Standing There?

How’s that for a jeff noel five daily blogs blog post title?

“You’re Probably Afraid Where You Stand”

Would this be good on a business card?

As a slogan?

As a conversation starter?

As a kick in the ask pants?

Your pants.

Jump Start or Kick?
Jump Start or Kick?

Professional Speaker

Professional Speaker.

Know what that means? Duh, right?  Public speaker who gets paid…blah, blah, blah.

It means there are people who’s job is to give speeches. Everyday.

In front of people.  Sometimes a dozen, or several dozen. Sometimes a thousand, or several thousand.

And some of them really try to be so good at what they do (same as a parent, nurse, chef, etc) that their speech may actually start to change the world.

You know how I know this?  I’m one of them.  Happy day.  Carpe diem.

Moose on the Loose?

Alaskan Moose on the Loose?

Had just pulled away from taking a photo at the Anchorage International Airport, when traffic started to slow and then stop. Here’s what happened.

My reaction is actually kinda funny – typical of a person who lives in a land surrounded by sunshine, Disney and palm trees: