You shall stay in a tiny house and be happy

St Mary Tiny House
St Mary Tiny House map.


You shall stay in a tiny house and be happy.

And we are.

Good morning from St Mary Village in Glacier’s East Side.


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Multiple opportunities for rebirth?

jeff noel blog post excerpt
Anyone can find and share anything – Google insures this. Anyone thinking there are exceptions is mislead.


Yesterday (June 17) Cheryl closed on the sale of the house her Mother has lived n for 91 years. Quite an extraordinary accomplishment – the 91 years part, not the closing.

But the closing signifies a letting go and moving forward.

An opportunity for rebirth.

Tomorrow (September 27) marks the official 30th (unofficial was January 25) anniversary as a full-time employee at Orlando’s biggest entertainment company and one of the most admired (#7 on the 2014 list) companies in the entire world.

Next Blog

Strength Is Your Responsibility

100 Years Old
100 Years Old

“Strength is something you forge from within.”Eugenia ‘Jean’ Finnegan Biden

Watching (not really, more like listening) ABC Evening News a few weeks ago, Vice President Joe Biden spoke of fond memories and important lessons he learned from his mother.

She had died the day before.

Of all the things Vice President Joe Biden said, it’s his mother’s advice at the top here, that resonated the most.


Personal responsibility is really the key to success.  I’ve known this all my life and you have too.

Having a ten year plan has really helped me see what’s still possible, but not guaranteed.

Not six months.  Ten years.

PS. This is the first dupe post.  By accident. Seems it posted January 9 at Lane 8, but for some reason it also sat in   It is a major rule to not recycle content here.  I’m gonna let this one ride though.

Why?  Because one dupe post ain’t gonna end the world.  Besides, the endings are different, unbeknownst to me.

Just Give Up, OK?

Hope Is Free
Hope Is Free

How often do you feel like giving up?  Like quitting? Like what you do doesn’t matter? That the effort is too much, the payoff too little?

Received an email today. Compelled to share it.  And it wasn’t from a blog conversation, but a LinkedIn connection.

We connected, like people do, and I sent a personal message, like I always try to do, mentioning, “I am selling hope, and it’s free.”

He sent back a reply, which was a little confusing, so I asked for clarification.  He said:

“I mean it’s about putting it out there.  My dad’s quote (and every dad’s?) – You’ll only get out of life what you put in …Keep selling hope – we all need it.”

Did you catch that?  What his Dad always told him?

“You’ll only get out of life what you put in.”