How’s your inbox?

Screen shot from TED Talk.

Clearing out old emails yesterday at the beach. Found one which is copied and pasted here…

_________, can’t recall if you knew i did a TED Talk in April…..Finally live…

Will this provocative message change the world? Probably impossible. Could it change yours? Not a doubt in my mind. 😃

Hope your Summer is blessed beyond measure.

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The power of not selling

Wide angle shot from last night.
Closeup. The email sender’s name is more important than the subject line. The preheader text is also more important than the subject line.

Matthew Montoya is an email list expert. He has a decade of experience teaching (14k total) businesses globally.

What is mystifying to those of us not on the inside of email list creation, management and improvement, comes across effortlessly with his broad and deep insider experience.

Everything he shared made perfect sense.

Guessing that his message resonated more and had greater credibility because he didn’t try to sell us anything.

Duly noted.

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This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

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Email welcome to jeff noel’s Podcast

Disney Podcast with jeff noel
Continuously improve: Just realized i need to craft a welcome to the podcast and thanks for signing up email. Good thing i love to write and am decently organized, thanks to Disney wisdom.

Email welcome to jeff noel’s Podcast:

Happy present moment, ________.

Welcome to a unique community of motivated and curious people. Congratulations on taking the risk. You’ll thank yourself later.

Bold statement? Sure. Walt Disney was bold. He’s inspired many dreamers to be bold. But for now, let us be the first to say, “Thanks.”


Among your most valuable assets in your life is your time and attention.

Choosing to invest your time and attention here is a gift to yourself.


We all struggle to find peace and contentment in a busy, noisy, crowded world—a world full of people jumping up and down, hands raised high, shouting “Pick me, pick me!” In reality, you’ve picked yourself.

To invest 15 minutes every Friday to have fun, .think .differently, and (gently) lean into discomfort is a powerful and wise choice.

It would not be inappropriate to high five yourself right now.

When was the last time you high-fived yourself?

Thanks for investing three seconds to have fun and lean into discomfort.

Finally, a reminder that just below your conscious awareness, you can envision your future being better than now, and not only better than now, but much better.

Please know we’ll work hard to keep future emails shorter than this one – just enough words to tee up the newest If Disney Ran Your Life episode.

Be amazed and be amazing.

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How to help your child, high school, and you stay connected

insightful time quote
Time: teach yourself how to master it and then teach your child(ren) or nieces or nephews.


How to help your child, high school, and you stay connected.

Assumption: Your High School child(ren) receive daily email from school and other sources.

Email will eventually become obsolete in it’s current form, but until then, maximize your child’s effective and efficient use of this mainstream communication tool.

Set up structure and process, like any world-class business does, to deliver great results without taxing time, resources, and energy.

We review our 11th-grader’s emails before dinner and use four categories to help us manage school-life’s buckets:

  1. Progress reports from teachers and staff emails
  2. Calendar and event scheduling emails
  3. Emails requiring a decision
  4. Emails that inform, inspire, and educate

We started with this and know it may change and or morph.

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This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

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Is zero inbox possible

Is a zero inbox possible?

An article prompts me to now share what i’ve quietly been doing for nearly a year. So it isn’t some pie-in-the-sky goal or desire. It’s a fully developed habit.

Every day since July 4, 2015 (inspired by preparation for a week-long writer’s retreat on Sanibel Island), i have gone to bed with zero emails in three folders.

1. Inbox
2. Sent folder
3. Trash folder

Impossible is only so until someone reaches a breakthrough.

Is it challenging and difficult more than 50% of the time?


But not doing it means email management is challenging and difficult 100% of the time.

Pick which hard and challenging you want to live with.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.