Not too far past the deadline…

Junior's Famous cheesecake, Brooklyn
Junior’s Famous cheesecake, Brooklyn

Missing a bedtime blogging deadline by ten minutes… we’ll take it, right? It’s time for bed, not a huge slice of decadent, world-famous New York Brooklyn cheesecake. The message? Push yourself, make compromises, and do it in a balanced, reasonable way.

What’s balanced and reasonable? That’s for each of us to figure out for ourselves.

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Happy New Year right? When’s your funeral?

When is your funeral?
When is your funeral?
Questions that resonate
Questions that resonate

Our amazingly responsive and professional Electrician is in our Son’s room as I write this, installing a new ceiling fan. He was here a month ago for some other work and I asked him a question that he just told me can’t stop thinking about.

When’s your funeral?

He said it’s transformed his thinking about life. He has three young children and his own business.

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