This will provide opportunities and problems that never existed before

LinkedIn profile screen shot
Five-plus years to reach 2k connections. Five plus years to go from iPhone 3 to 5s.


Blogging from iPad Mini.

Full functionality has finally arrived to WordPress mobile, including embedding photos with descriptions.

All this means is that change is changing everything.

Always has, always will.

It’s just that it’s so fast and dramatic.

This will provide opportunities and problems that never existed before.

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Life is brutal

Canadian Rockies
Frozen wilderness is one of the most brutal (Canadian Rockies)


Life is brutal.

Deadlines. Pressure.

Lack of deadlines. Ambiguity.

Priorities. Competing.


Our fear isn’t in failing.

Seriously, it’s not.

And we should embrace our fear.

We see it clearly when we see what our real fear should be.

What if our real fear was in not learning from the constant pressure and ambiguity?

And then repeating the same, insidiously fearful cycle.

Would we have conquered fear if we had harnessed our fear and the ambiguity?

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Organization at home is key to getting results

screen shot of mile split for jeff noel
Organized enough to run a decent mile the day before leaving home for four days


Organization at home is key to getting results in all other diverse areas of our lives.

Thinking ahead doesn’t eliminate challenges, but it sure does reduce the number.

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