The most extraordinary time to feel like a millionaire?

iPhone iTunes Radio screenshot
Would be great if there was actually a map showing us the best route to take in life.


We don’t know what we have until it’s gone.

What if we could be organized well enough to eliminate this phrase from our belief system?

And believed instead that today, right now, is the most extraordinary time to feel like a millionaire.

And that there would be no doubt or hesitation whatsoever in feeling it be the truth.

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Here are links to possible Dr. Oz shows that you could be on

Magic Kingdom welcome sign
Spent a career hosting celebrities at Disney… time for reciprocation? 🙂


High School classmate Marianne Harbold Roth sent these links on Valentine’s Day weekend. How incredibly thoughtful. Here’s an excerpt from here email:

Here are links to possible Dr. Oz shows that you could be on 😉

doctor oz:



For you and your upcoming book club:
doctor oz: nynj-calling-all-groups

How to get on Oprah:

Trying to find where your supportive friends can make a pitch for you to be on the show. If I find it I’ll be informing others.

Thinking ahead for you!! 😉 Hope you don’t mind. Maybe you already did this 🙂


Such a nice thing for Marianne to do.

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PS. Checking yesterday, some of links now lead to a dead end…. the ever changing nature of the web.

But, but, but…

Disney's Contemporary Resort from Monorail
This building is well organized


The only way to become decently and consistently organized is to make it a priority. To make it part of your personal culture and a standard by which you will not waiver from.

We know this.

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