State of The Union Address 2015

State of The Union Address 2015
State of The Union Address 2015


Organize your gratitude into three themes:

  1. What you learned yesterday.
  2. What you get to do today.
  3. What you hope for tomorrow.

President Obama’s speech writers get this concept too.

It ain’t rocket surgery.

Just do it. And make it fun and sincere.

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Why be constantly focused on personal organization?

Middle school pep rally
Middle schoolers are easily impressed with celebrities.


Middle school cafeteria pep rally
Last night at the middle school pep rally.


Why be constantly focused on personal organization?

One benefit to being decently organized is that it helps facilitate being able to do more good, to more people, more often.

As a side note, it’s also insidiously helpful to be actively visible in your children’s day-to-day life. Common sense, not common practice.

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The poorest of the poor

Website blog post screen shot
Excerpt from older blog post.


What is the most common excuse for avoiding something?

Time is the great equalizer in life. Everyone gets 24 hours each day. None get more, none get less.

Not enough time is a poor excuse.

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Should we motivate or inspire?

2010 Twitter profile for Disney Speaker jeff noel
The Tweet milestone of 1,234 tweets prompted the photo. A modest 657 followers.


What will it take to get and stay organized?


Should we motivate or inspire ourselves?

Motivation is done through fear, pressure, embarrassment, ego.

Inspiration is done through hope, purpose, contribution.

Which brings joy, motivation or inspiration?

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